Java email regex examples

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java email regex

The format of an email address is local-part@domain. Look at this email address

  1. local-part = mkyong
  2. @ = @
  3. domain =

The formal definitions of an email address are in RFC 5322 and RFC 3696. However, this article will not follow the above RFC for email validation. The official email "local-part" is too complex (supports too many special characters, symbols, comments, quotes…) to implement via regex. Most companies or websites choose only to allow certain special characters like dot (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).

This article will show a few ways to validate an email address via regex:

  1. Email Regex – Simple
  2. Email Regex – Strict
  3. Email Regex – Non-Latin or Unicode characters
  4. Apache Commons Validation v1.7

1. Email Regex – Simple Validation.

This example uses a simple regex ^(.+)@(\S+)$ to validate an email address. It checks to ensure the email contains at least one character, an @ symbol, then a non whitespace character.

Email regex explanation:

                              ^                       #start of the line   (                     #   start of group #1     .+                  #     any characters (matches Unicode), must contains one or more (+)   )                     #   end of group   #1     @                   #     must contains a "@" symbol       (                 #         start of group #2         \S+             #           non white space characters, must contains one or more (+)       )                 #         end of group #2 $